DMI Blog

Cristina Jimenez

New Americans: Expected to Vote in Record Numbers

For once, I am thankful of the anti-immigrant agenda. The constant attacks on immigrant communities have galvanized this electorate to participate in today's election. A record breaking number of new Americans are expected to show up the polls and cast their ballot.

According to a new report by the Immigration Policy Center, new Americans represent the country's fastest-growing voting bloc. This group of voters is made of naturalized immigrants and U.S born children of immigrants since 1965. As I have said before, naturalized immigrants and young voters are the driving force of this new electorate. Why? The failure of immigration reform, the DREAM Act, and harsh enforcement tactics motivated thousands of immigrants to become citizens. In 2007 alone, 1.4 million immigrants applied for citizenship and there are roughly 3 million more naturalized citizens eligible to vote now than in the 2004 election.

While the national voter registration rate increased to 11.3 percent from 1996 to 2004, the number of new American registered voters rose to 59.9 percent. Registered voters who are naturalized immigrants increased by 2.9 million, an increase of 55.1 percent. Registered voters who were post 1965 children of immigrants increased by 1.6 million, an increase of 70.7 percent.

The numbers and the efforts are promising. Immigrant grassroots organizations across the country are leading unprecedented getting out the vote efforts and have registered thousands of new American voters. Today, new Americans will not only make their voice be heard, they will reshape politics and the immigration debate as we know it.

Cristina Jimenez: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 7:00 AM, Nov 04, 2008 in Election 2008 | Immigration
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