Penny Abeywardena
Keep Supporting That New Kind of Voter
Recently, we launched DMI’s first-ever Google Adword campaign to raise $10,000 between now and November 4 to ensure that every time people search on Google for information about policies that impact the ‘middle class’, a DMI ad pops up leading them to our hard-hitting analysis on Or when they Google their member of Congress, a DMI ad pops up leading them to how he or she voted to strengthen and expand the middle class.
We did this to provide millions of curious voters with easy-to-find, digestible descriptions of the policies affecting their daily lives. Every small donation goes a very long way.
For every $25 you contribute, 50 people who Google CEO pay (a topic people are especially curious about these days!) will get directed to DMI’s analysis, which makes clear: when CEOs get sumptuous rewards for inferior or mediocre work, middle-class Americans get short-changed on the retirement benefits they’ve earned!
We are asking everyone (yes, that means you!) to make a donation.
We've raised 15% of our goal, so we still need your help. Please contribute today!
Penny Abeywardena: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 4:02 PM, Sep 19, 2008 in
Drum Major Institute
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