DMI Blog

Kia Franklin

On Liberaloasis: Where’s Civil Justice in ‘08 Debate?

Someone must've wiretapped a conversation I had with Bill Scher this weekend. Drats! Oh well, at least it makes for good radio. (MP3, XML, iTunes).

We talked about the need to re-infuse this election hype with some substance, and namely, with some discussion about the importance of our civil justice system and where the candidates stand on protecting access to justice. Scher is doing this as part of a Take Back Your Media series, examining mainstream media's failure to cover substantive topics and urging us to hold media accountable and support media that does cover the issues that matter to ordinary Americans.

As a coordinated effort, the voting public can get Obama, Clinton, and McCain to start talking about issues that affect our ability to access the courts and fight for our health, safety, and economic security, issues discussed in the Presidential Platform for Civil Justice.

To learn more about our efforts around this, you can contact Kia Franklin at KFrankin "AT" DrumMajorInstitute "DOT" org.

Kia Franklin: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 12:20 PM, Mar 17, 2008 in Civil Justice | Election 2008 | Media | Podcast | The Candidates on Health Care
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